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How to Make Soft and Soft Donuts Payakumbuh

Photo How to Make Soft and Soft Donuts Payakumbuh

How to Make Soft and Soft Donuts, Guaranteed Delicious!

Currently, donuts are a delicious snack that we can find anywhere. Currently, many brands of donuts are sold in malls or supermarkets. With a variety of interesting toppings available, ranging from chocolate toppings, cheese, tiramisu green tea and many other toppings.

Steps on How to Make Soft and Soft Donuts, Easy to Make!

1. Materials Needed

The first step in how to make donuts is to prepare the ingredients needed. The ingredients needed to make donuts are:

  • 1 kg of high protein flour
  • 500 ml of warm water
  • 200 grams of melted margarine
  • 10 tablespoons of sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 12 grams of instant yeast
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered milk
  • Oil to taste
  • Powdered sugar to taste
The ingredients above are ingredients that are commonly found and we can easily get them. If you want a more savory and filling donut taste, you can add potatoes to the ingredients to make the donuts. With the potatoes, donut calories will increase.

2. Make the Donut Dough

In general, the first step is to pour warm water along with 10 tablespoons of the flour, yeast and sugar. Stir the ingredients clockwise until evenly distributed. Next, add more flour by adding the remaining available flour.

Add the margarine, powdered milk and egg yolks that have been provided. Then stir the dough again until the dough is smooth. For optimal results, you can use your hands to make the dough and mix it thoroughly.

3. Cover the dough with a damp cloth

After making the dough, and the dough becomes quite smooth when stirred. The next step, you can add oil to the dough. Stir again until the oil is evenly distributed on the dough. After that, transfer the dough in a new container. However, if the dough is still sticky, you can add flour to make the dough not sticky.

After that, save the dough in a different container in the next way to make donuts. This method is important, so that the dough expands which is produced by the yeast content in it. The time needed to store the dough so that it can expand perfectly is one hour. Sedulur can also store it longer for maximum results, don't forget to cover the dough with a wet cloth. This wet cloth aims to keep the dough moist.

4. Shape the dough into donuts

After the dough is left first and covering the dough with a damp cloth until it expands, an important step in how to make donuts is to process the donut dough and shape it until it becomes like a donut. In order to produce the same size donuts, you can use a scale to measure the weight of the donuts.

In addition, so that the shape is the same, you can use the donut mold that you have. Or, Sedulur can also use a glass circle, to produce the same donut size.

5. Fried donuts until cooked

After Sedulur has formed all the dough into donut shapes, and the dough has been formed, the next step in how to make donuts is to fry the donuts until cooked. In order to get donuts with good results, Sedulur can use the deep frying method.

The method of frying is to use a large amount of oil and until it is really hot. After the donuts have changed color and are dry, you can lift them and set the donuts aside.

Hopefully the explanation regarding how to make donuts that has been explained above can help you make your own donuts at home. Aside from being a snack in the afternoon, you can also eat donuts as breakfast so you can start your activities with enthusiasm.

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